Hebrew word for right
Hebrew word for right

hebrew word for right

The Word of God is speaking of angels whenever this word saints is used in reference to armies. Saints is also translated from the Hebrew word kadosh. It is not an army of saints or believers. So Yeshua did not come to bring us a new covenant, He came to restore the original Covenant of His Wayto its previous condition.Ĭamp in Revelation 20:9 should have been translated as army and then the next word is kadosh which means holy. It is the same word used when speaking of a new moon, and it really means to restore something to its previous condition. To Call upon the name of Yahweh means to worship God, and of course to use His Name Yahweh, or Yeshua.Ĭhadashah is the Hebrew word that is usually translated as new. No other religion will be tolerated on earth. Muslims will be the only ones who can buy and sell religion, namely Islam. To Buy or Sell in Revelation 13:16-17 is referring to when Islam will be the only religion allowed. I have yet to discover it, but this burial mentioned in Revelation is somethng completely different than what it says (Revelation is written in the same manner as Daniel was - they are literal, but all in symbolism.) This three and half days the witnesses lay dead in the streets represents a direct defiance against Israel and God. To leave a body unburied for three and a half days is unheard of and completely against ancient Hebrew belief.

hebrew word for right

So Israel, Jerusalem, Ariel, Messiah and Bride are all One.īroken spirit refers to one who obeys God and His Torah (Teaching).īurial is done immediately by the Jews, even today, because they do not embalm their dead. And Isaiah refers to Jerusalem as Ariel, which means Lion of God. As we see in Revelation Jerusalem, Israel and Bride are all interchangeable. The Bride of Messiah is Israel - always has been and always will be.

hebrew word for right

The leader of these evil angels, who is actually unnamed because God stripped him of his name (satan is a title, not a name), has taken on the name of Allah - the god of Islam. It will be these evil angels who inhabit the antimessiah. The evil angels spoken of in 1Enoch are the ones behind all the evil on this earth, and they are the ones behind all the evil of Islam. While the Book of Enoch was most likely altered or added to, the message is still intact - and we should definitely take heed to what it says. While we’d all like to ignore the fact that evil angels are working 24/7 behind the people they inhabit and/or influence, it is a known Biblical fact. It was real enough for Peter and Jude to take notice, and they even wrote about the evil angels themselves. The Book of Enoch is a book that no one wants to believe - but it is real. Yeshua came to restore His original Covenant to His people––He came to restore His Way of Life.īlessed is he that watches and keeps his garments is referring to the punishment awarded to the Temple guards if they are found asleep at their posts: one who falls asleep, would have his clothes set on fire by the captain of the Temple. Berit means Covenant, and Chadashah means to restore to its previous condition. Aman is also the root word for emunah, which means trust.īerit Chadashah is the Restored Covenant and is the correct term when referring to what Yeshua brought to His people. Aman means ‘ to go to the right hand,’ or ' to take the right hand Way’––to be faithful to Yahweh, to trust in Him continually, and to obey His Commandments. The Hebrew word that is translated as believe, is aman. But the Beast is also the Beast Empire, or Islamic Empire. ​​The Beast that the Mahdi will cause people to worship is Allah. The children of Israel (that includes grafted-in children), will be in a safe place where they are as loved as a cherished child is in his Father's bosom. Yeshua called the place for the righteous dead, Abraham's bosom. And fathers sometimes carried their children there. The bosom was where the Hebrews carried or hid what was important to them. It is used for a receptacle for various items, just as pockets are used by Americans. But the term bosom frequently refers to the folds of the Hebrew garment as they extend over and droop over the girdle. ​​Abraham’s Bosom is a term usually referring to the dead in heaven. There are many things that grafted-in believers have believed for almost two thousand years, that are incorrect, partially because of this missing knowledge. Without the knowledge of these phrases, you cannot possibly interpret verses as they were originally intended by the ancient Hebrew authors. But it is imperative that a person who wants to study the Bible know these things in order to understand Scripture (and the New Testament) correctly.


The Bible is full of Hebrew phrases and idioms that most grafted-in believers don't know about.

Hebrew word for right